With the start of the 2017 Summer Nights season just around the corner we decided it was time to give our digital presence a much needed face-lift.
As we post this the site is completely functional but there is still more content that will be pouring in as the weeks and months continue.

Pre-2017 Website

2017 Website
We’re looking to add an archive of past schedules with links directly from that to the bands that played and their respective photo galleries.
Additionally our media galleries will have a cleaner look across all devices with a new, responsive layout.
If you have any questions, comments, or concerns please feel free to contact us.
As always don’t forget that Summer Nights is a FREE event for all ages. Come join the fun! There’s no better way to experience the vibrant nightlife of Rapid City, SD!
The event occurs every Thursday during the Summer from 6:00pm – 9:00pm in the heart of downtown Rapid City, SD.
Come Join Us for a Great Night of Music, Food, Beer, and Fun Activities for the Entire Family!